A Country Divided

The United States has never seen a more politically divided climate. With candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, voters have taken sides and have continued to deepen their political stances.
In addition, social media platforms have allowed more connection among like-minded individuals. These echo chambers create an atmosphere lacking political discourse. Increasingly, people don’t have to interact with those of differing opinions, which tends to create two sides who do not want to interact. These differences appear to affect everyday life as well, with more people saying they simply can’t stand to speak with those who, for example, support a rival candidate.

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When Personality Trumps Good Governance

The annual State of the Union address was a spectacle this year. Cameras panned to an obviously split House chamber after each sentence from President Trump. One side applauded enthusiastically while the other side sat stone-faced. Besides its theatrics, this year’s State of the Union address brought forward an important question: Can we look past disdain for a politician’s character in order to work with them to enact policy?

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On The New Curator

A London publisher, Laurence King, observed: “How many times have you heard the term ‘curate’ in the past few years? But what exactly does it mean? Curating has been a key concept both in and outside the art world in the past few years, with the role of a curator having changed and expanded with each new exhibition or biennale.”

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