Incarceration and Children

The problems of America’s prison system are extensive and diverse. Prisons are overcrowded and expensive. The justice system disproportionately locks up black and brown Americans from poor communities. America’s prisons are filled with down-on-their-luck veterans, drug addicts, mental health patients, and repeat offenders incapable of finding work with a criminal record. The bulk of America’s 2.3 million prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes, and once released from prison more than half return within the next three years. Real rehabilitation programs are few and far between, and prison-to-work programs are even less common. 

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Ready for Hillary?

Now that Hillary Clinton has officially announced her candidacy, Americans must ask themselves an important question: What exactly is so great about Hillary Clinton? The media, Democrats, and college students all have a frightening infatuation with her. Amidst the recent e-mail scandal, much of the liberal media has already gone to extraordinary lengths to protect the presumed Democratic nominee. Despite their pretensions to diversity, liberals have failed to promote a politically or ethnically diversified field of candidates. They’ve elevated Clinton to celebrity status, but her resume is besmirched by scandal and outright incompetence.

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